About Us


Inclusion Ventures gained charity status in July 2004. Set up initially to tackle high incidence of youth crime on the Percy King estate in West Clacton. After several months of outreach work to build relationships with children and young people it became clear that they felt excluded and disenfranchised. With the commitment of those initial Youth Workers gaining valuable insight into the underlying issues that cause young people to challenge, we expanded into Jaywick in 2009. In more recent years the organisation has become more therapeutic and preventative in its approach. In the last 2 years the rising prevalence of poor mental health among children and young people and the complex issues arising from the county lines culture we are facing complex new challenges. We work from the heart of our communities which ensures we are accessible but also gives us genuine insight into the communities we serve and the unique characteristics and nuances of each area.

Our Aims:

We have 5 main aims:

  • To improve physical health

  • To improve emotional health and wellbeing

  • To improve aspiration for future employment

  • To provide new opportunities for personal/social awareness

  • To improve community cohesion

Our Impact:

We have created a supportive environment where we help young people with a number of barriers they may have. We address the underlying issues they may face such as low self esteem, poor mental-health and limited opportunities.

We help them build positive relationships by encouraging young people to connect with others around them. We support young people achieve their goals such as education, training and career aspirations.

We connect with the community in different ways. We currently have 3 main community projects:

  • Our weekly bike kitchens in which children and families are guided by staff and volunteers to mend their bikes, a valued response for Jaywick in particular where transport into town is difficult and expensive.

  • Our trishaw project in which young people use their own time to take senior residents from Corner Lodge, a specialist dementia community, on outings along the seafront.

  • Our community cafe which with the help of our YP currently provides home cooked meals from scratch for senior members of the community.

Our Mission:

Has always been to turn exclusion into inclusion –To improve the lives of vulnerable young people from the most disadvantaged areas of Jaywick and West Clacton. Supporting them to discover a wider perspective, and positive future that fulfils their potential!

We invite you to help us make a difference in our young peoples lives.